Sunday, 15 January 2012

Welcome To S.A.L.T.

To Serve, To Aid, To Love and To Tolerate.

1. Agreement
    By signing below you agree to try your best to uphold the tenants and virtues of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and those of S.A.L.T.
2. New goal
Our current goal is childish and a waste of time and resources. This is just a suggestion and will be improved with time/council.
The new goal of S.A.L.T.:
-To protect the brony culture from thieves, trolls and other elements that Can be harmful to our growth by employing passive methods.
-To create an archive of the culture in order to preserve our advances.
-To provide a stable platform in times of turmoil.
-To give aid to bronies in distress, and to seek out those that can do so in our stead. (ie; councilors, aids. bronies with experience in various fields)
-To encourage the brony arts (e.g. Music, fiction, animation... ect)
-To create peace, understanding, and love, and tolerance between Bronies and Bronies-haters.
3. Government
We are now a democratic system. Each member represents a single vote. Every topic of voting has to have a minimum of vote equivalent to fifty percent (67%) of the groups population. Votes can be stopped after twelve (12) hours if the required number has been reached. Voting will be done in the ECHO section [see section 3].  Anypony that has been a member for a minimum of three (3) days can ask for a vote on any subject. Only two (2) things can be up for debate at any given time.
4.  Website form and management
New and re-vamped website containing none of the usual ‘charm’ of the brony culture. We want to be serious here. This means no pony pictures or giddy colours everywhere. We want to give aid to other bronies in need, not throw a party. (note: this does not mean that we cannot enjoy ourselves while doing so)
Split the site into five categories or functions:
ALPHA:  Archive of brony knowledge, fiction, music and other cultural points. Also our main forum.
BETA: Learning center, training ground for new members of SALT. Also a directory of methods to protect against troll threats.
DELTA: Support group. List of willing editors and pre-readers, as well as musicians and tutorials into various parts of brony culture.
ECHO: Internal affairs. (Website admins, and organizers who make sure that the other for groups coordinate properly. Also the area reserved for voting procedures.
(Post Yay if you agree and Neigh if you do not and NOTHING ELSE. Thank you.)


  1. When darkness turns to light, it ends tonight

    Pretty sweet

  2. Is this where we'll talk about most miscellaneous stuff?

    1. That would be ALPHA. this is supposed to be just the charter and out agreements to it.

  3. So wait, BROHOOF is now SALT? I'm confused!

  4. An idea that just came to mind from this guy

    I'm going to be learning how to draw so that future art assets that I create don't end up having the player implode and turn into spaghetti. I'll be taking nearly any kind of commissions you all suggest! Completely free, of course. You get to help me improve my art through practice, and you get to laugh at how terrible it is! There's really no losing!

    1. That is acutually really cool! I hope you do improve, our little group needs an actual image artist!

    2. Try an OC for Bombedrumbum based offa the white Rarity.....?


    3. I will try that... in a couple of days; my culminating Senior project is tomorrow, so I must prepare for that.

  5. I hope you don't mind if I join.

    also Yay~

  6. Replies
    1. Ooooh, you're that Obsession is Magic admin guy! I love your blog!
